Knapsack problem – A Java implementation

Knapsack is a well known problem of packing the knapsack with maximum amount of items within the given weight constraint however of higher value among the available items. The problem description and some of the approaches to solve the problem are laid out in the following wikipedia page “

Here are Java implementation of two of the approaches. To download the source code visit my github account @

Meet in the middle approach to solving 0-1 knapsack problem:

0-1 knapsack problem is where item of each type are either avaiable or not available for packaging. Also, there are not more than one item of each type. By type here i refer to weight, value combination of the item.

void ksZeroOne(int targetWeight, int nItems, int[] iWeights, int[] iValues) {

//Algo: Meet in the middle approach
//Step1: make two lists "s1", "s2" of item ID's
//Step2: Get a list of all subsets of each set "s1", "s2" and
  //maintain one cache each for the two subset lists - "m1", "m2", s.t. only those subsets based on dominance condition
  //(subsets of equal weight however more value) gets into the cache
  //"m1" -- Weight indexed map "m1" of subsets from list "s1". Holds subsets of equal or more value for the given weight and
  //"m2" -- Weight indexed map "m2" of subsets from list "s2". Holds subsets of equal or more value for the given weight
//Step3: For each subset in map1 find corresponding subset in map2 that satisfies
  //the weight criteria however has a highest value so far.
  //Upon finding the items pack it in the "knapsackContents"

itemW = iWeights;
itemV = iValues;
//Items list with maximum value
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> knapsackContents = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
int m = nItems/2;
int remainingWt = 0;

ArrayList<Integer> s1 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //First half of items IDs
ArrayList<Integer> s2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Second half of item IDs
Map<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>> m1 = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>();
Map<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>> m2 = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>();

for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for(int i = m; i <= nItems-1; i++) {

ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ld1 = getAllSubsetsByDominance(s1, 0, 0, m1);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ld2 = getAllSubsetsByDominance(s2, 0, m, m2);

Set<Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>> kvSet1 = m1.entrySet();
Set<Integer> keySet2 = m2.keySet();
ArrayList<Integer> mylst = null;
ArrayList<Integer> blist = null;
int val1 = 0, val2 = 0, maxval = 0;

for(Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>> elem : kvSet1) {
  val1 = val2 = maxval = 0;
  Integer elemK = elem.getKey();
  ArrayList<Integer> elemVlist = (elem.getValue()).get(0);
  remainingWt = targetWeight-(elem.getKey());
  for(Integer ix : elemVlist) {
    val1 += itemV[ix.intValue()];
  if(!knapsackContents.isEmpty()) {
    for(Integer ix : knapsackContents.get(0)) {
      maxval += itemV[ix.intValue()];
  for(Integer k : keySet2) {
    if(k.intValue() <= remainingWt) {
      ArrayList<Integer> ls = (m2.get(k)).get(0);
      for(Integer ix : ls) {
        val2 += itemV[ix.intValue()];
      //If combined value is higher than what is already chosen to be in knapsack choose this set instead
      if((val1+val2) > maxval) {
        //Get all possible combinations that makes your knapsack rich !!
        for(ArrayList<Integer> l1 : elem.getValue()) {
          mylst = new ArrayList<Integer>();
          for(ArrayList<Integer> l2 : m2.get(k) ) {
            blist = new ArrayList<Integer>();
      } // List of Maximum value
    } //List with matching wt constraint found in the other half
  } //for
} //for

  //Printout knapsack contents
  System.out.println("Pack the following items in knapsack that is of highest " +
    "total value and within weight constraint of " + targetWeight);

  int tW = 0, tV = 0;
  //Looking at all possible options in the ZERO-ONE knapsack
  for(ArrayList<Integer> l : knapsackContents) {
    System.out.println("Choose items");
    for(Integer e : l) {
      tW += itemW[e];
      tV += itemV[e];
      System.out.println("Weight: " + itemW[e] + ", Value: " + itemV[e]);
    System.out.println("Total weight: " + tW + " Total value: " + tV);
} //ksZeroOne

//offset to indicate which half we are looking at: 0 - first half, m - second half.
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> getAllSubsetsByDominance(ArrayList<Integer> s, int index, int offset, Map<Integer, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>> cache) {
  ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> allss;
  if(s.size() == index) {
    allss = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    ArrayList<Integer> emptysubset = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  else {
    allss = getAllSubsetsByDominance(s, index+1, offset, cache);
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> myallss = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    int itemId = -1;
    for(ArrayList<Integer> lst : allss) {
      ArrayList<Integer> mysubset = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //itemIDWt
      itemId = offset+index;
      mysubset.add(0, itemId);

      //Run dominance procedure starts
      int wt = 0, newval = 0, val = 0;
      if(!mysubset.isEmpty()) { //If not an empty list
      for(Integer i : mysubset) {
        wt += itemW[i];
        newval += itemV[i];

      ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> alist;
      if(cache.containsKey(wt)) {
        //OK to get first list as it only holds list of equal value when there is more than one
        //of them of given weight
        alist = cache.get(wt);
        for(Integer i : (alist).get(0)) {
          val += itemV[i];
        if(newval > val) {
        if(newval >= val) {
          cache.put(wt, alist);
      else { //Add it if not in the cache
        alist = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
        cache.put(wt, alist);
    //Run dominance procedure ends

  } //for

} //else

return allss;
} //getAllSubsetsByDominance

Dynamic programming approach to solving unbounded knapsack problem:

Unbounded knapsack problem is where the number of items of each type can be more than one. Again, by type we refer to the item of a particular weight and value combination.

//Dynamic Programming
void ksUnbounded(int targetWeight, int nItems, int[] iWeights, int[] iValues) {
//Algo: Dynamic Programming/Memoizing
//Step1: Maitain a two-dimensional array, Array[0...nItems][0...targetWeight]
  //Note: Weight increses upto targetWeight
//Step2: Also maintain a ksTrackArray[0...nItems-1][0...targetWeight] to track which items are
  //part of the solution satisfying the weight value constraint
//Step3: At any point in dynamic programming find: maximum combined weight of any subsets of items, o...currentItem
  //of weight atmost iw (the ith weight in the 2-dimensional array)

int[][] ksItemCapacity = new int[nItems+1][targetWeight+1];
int[][] ksTrack = new int[nItems+1][targetWeight+1];

for(int w = 0; w <= targetWeight; w++) {
  ksItemCapacity[0][w] = 0;

for(int item = 1; item < nItems; item++) {
  for(int w = 0; w <= targetWeight; w++) {
    //last known Maximum value of KS contents s.t. their weight totals to atmost w-iWeights[item]
    int eItemValue = (iWeights[item] <= w)? ksItemCapacity[item-1][w-iWeights[item]] : 0;
    if( (iWeights[item] <= w) && (iValues[item]+eItemValue) > ksItemCapacity[item-1][w] ) {
      ksItemCapacity[item][w] = eItemValue+iValues[item]; //current item included
      ksTrack[item][w] = 1;
    else {
      ksItemCapacity[item][w] = ksItemCapacity[item-1][w]; //current item not included
      ksTrack[item][w] = 0;

//Print KS contents
ArrayList<Integer> ksContents = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int tW = targetWeight;
for(int item = nItems; item >= 0; item--) {
  if(ksTrack[item][tW] == 1) {
    tW -= iWeights[item];

System.out.println("Items choosen are:");
int W = 0, V = 0;
for(Integer e : ksContents) {
  W += iWeights[e];
  V += iValues[e];
  System.out.println("Weight: " + iWeights[e] + ", Value: " + iValues[e]);
System.out.println("Total weight: " + W + " Total value: " + V);
} //ksUnbounded